Monday, July 4, 2011

The real Goodbye.

     Hello. This is my last post in this semester. Finally. As I mentioned before, I'm not good at writing blogs or diaries because I usually don't feel like writing my personal life on blogs or in diary. So on this blog, I've shared my life experiences, my favorite books and my favorite movies. I hope everyone can understand a little bit about me and what kind of person I am. As i mentioned before, I really hate phony people and hypocrites. I like something "real". Though I know it's very hard to define what is real and what is not real, I think the process of finding the answer is something real. Anyways, in this last post, I spent a long time thinking  what I should write. Since my essay is about the differences between Hollywood movies and French movies, I'd like to introduce a very interesting movie to everyone.
     The movie I'd like to introduce is "The Usual Suspects". This movie is realesed in 8,16,1995. The director is Bryan Singer and the running time is 1hr.45min. The genre is mystery and suspense. This is a film about five men who are hauled into the New York police sation because a crime was committed and they are the usual suspects. They all agree to do a job together for a little revenge. However, little do they know that someone else has the srtings and that they are all the puppets. All because each of them crossed the wrong person at the wrong time. After the big job, 27 people are dead, and there are two survivors. However, no one knows who is controlling all these things that have happened to them.
     This movie is one of the most hardest movies I've ever watched before. This is not a film that you can understand easily. I spent so much time watching this in order to get all the details connected. I think the director of this film is really clever. There are still some suspense films are really hard to guess or understand the climax. For instance, Seven, Unknown, Shutter Island, Wicker Park, The Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club and so on. I wish people can watch these films. At last, I'd like to upload the poster and the trailer of The Usual Suspects.
     Since this is my last post in this sememster, I'd like to wish everyone a happy summer vacasion. I will go back to Taiwan for about 2 weeks and I hope I can upload photos of my trip on this blog hopefully. Goodbye.

The Catcher.

     Hello. It's me again. I just finished writing my previous post in like 10 seconds ago. Before I started to write my previous post, I thought it would be really difficult to write anything that makes sense. However, I found myself writing like a type machine as if I would never stop, which was really good for me. As I mentioned in my last post, I said I would be introducing J.D.Salinger and his amazing works. Well....before that, I would like to share something just came up in my mind.
     As I mentioned before, I had lived in Taiwan for 15 years. The public transportations in Taiwan are really good and I think it is as convenient as Japan that you can get to anywhere you want easily. However, there is no such a thing like timetable in Taiwan. We don't have any timetable for buses or trains. I always surprise my friends every time I tell them about this and they always come up with a same question which is, "If there's no such a thing like timetable, how do you get to your destination on time?". The answer is really easy. You just follow your instinct. You guess the time that trains or buses might come. Once you get use to it, it is really a piece of cake.
     However, after I came to Japan, everything changes. I couldn't believe Japan has that accurate timetable which trains and buses really come exactly on time. It is really unbelievable. I still remember the first time I used train in Japan. The timetable said the train would come at 12:44 so I was waiting at the station. First I thought the timetable was just an aim, however I was totally wrong. The train really came at 12:44. And what made me crazier was that the door of the trains really opened at 12:44. It blew my mind. It really did. Since then, I'm really appreciated to JR or any public transportation in Japan, thanks to their wonderful work, I've never been late to any important meeting.
     Back to the topic, I would like to introduce my favorite book of J.D.Salinger. It is "The Catcher In the Rye". This story tells the story of Holden Caufield, a teenage slacker who has perfected the art of underachievement. After Holden got kicked out of school, he decided to go to NYC for a few days. This story is mainly about what he felt, who he met, what he saw and everything he sensed in his short stay in NYC. What I like about this novel is that, Holden is just like me. He sees things in different perspective. Or I should say twisted. He hates hypocrite. He hates people who are phony and that is the same for me. I always hate people who are phony. That really makes me puke. I like things that are "real". This book really changes my perspective toward things. I really recommend everyone to read it though it is hard to understand. I'd like to post a photo of the book.


     Hello. I can't believe I'm still working on this blog things on the due day which is today. I'm really running out of topics. In fact, I don't think I'm having boring days or living a boring life. I just don't feel like writing my personal life on the blog or even on the diary. I know it would be interesting if I get a chance to read through these types of memories after a few years or even 10 or 20 years, but I just really don't feel like it. So, I'm not going to write about my personal life. Instead of my personal life, I would like to write about my favorite authors.
     I read a lot. I read Japanese books, English books and Chinese books. I think I read Chinese books the most since I had lived in Taiwan for 15 years. Reading is not painful for me. In fact, it is lot more a pleasure than walking in Shibuya or Shinjuku where there are so many people and you can't even walk. By the way, I hate trains. Especially crowded trains. I bet many people do agree with me. However, I bet not so many people have the same reason with me. The reason why I hate crowded trains is because it smells really really bad. It is awful. I can't believe a train could be that stinky. What is worst is that Japanese businessmen who use train smell really bad and I bet they don't notice it. I can't believe they could be that stinky as well. I strongly recommend they use cologne. I know Japan doesn't have a culture for men to use cologne. However, I really wish they would understand there's a wonderful liquid that would not make them smell so stinky.
     Back to the topic, yes I really enjoy reading. My favorite Japanese author is Haruki Murakami. I read my books he wrote such as, Norwegian Woods which is the best book I've ever read in Japanese. I love how he describes his character's thoughts. To give you an image, Haruki Murakami is definitely not a Hollywood movie type of man, he might be a French movie type of man. His stories never end with a happy ending. However, despite of his pathos ending, there are many things that are really deep and you can't even describe it in words. Because there is something you can't see or touch, it is some kind of a spirit. 
     My favorite English author is J.D.Salinger. I would like to upload his photo on the bottom of this page. I know there are many opinions about him, some negative and some positive. However, I don't really care about that. What I care is his books. In the next post, I would like to introduce some books he wrote and share my thoughts to everyone. Goodbye.